It feels nice to know you’re on someone else’s mind. That you’re worthy enough to have another person thinking about you. It’s romantic or, at the very least, caring. Given the fact that it is Valentine’s Day again, there is no better time to let your customers know they were on your mind.
While on a virtual dealer training call today with a client, we were asked to demonstrate how to keep conversations alive, or, moreover, methods to reengage clients they’ve communicated with through text, that subsequently went dark on them. Dealers already know the engagement they get through text is far greater than most other mediums right now. However, when a phone conversation comes to an end, there is normally a “goodbye”. On text? Just radio silence. No three dots shimmering. Nothing. Dealers are left on “read” and don’t know that logical next step. Should you just text again? No. You should call.
But Joe, you ask… you’ve been preaching to use a customer’s preferred method of communication for 15 years so why switch mediums after engagement has been made?
Simple. Even if text is their preferred method because that’s where initial engagement began, it doesn’t lend itself to a fruitful conversation. Once their text responses cease and they don’t respond to your last question, it is fine to make a phone attempt. Provided you do it… sweetly.
Whether they answer their phone (growing rarer by the day) or it goes to voicemail, start with that caring, sweet, tender line… “I was thinking about you…” It’s a great kick-off to a call.
“I was just thinking about you and realized I hadn’t offered to…”
“I am leaving for the day, but was thinking about you and wanted to…”
There is always something you can offer. A reprice. A quote. A payment. An at-home test drive. A video walk-around. Figure out what you can offer (beyond the overly used invite into the store) and add that onto the fact that their need for a vehicle is at the top of your priorities.
An alternative to the “I was thinking about you” could be, “Sorry for the call, as I know we were texting, but I also know a quick phone call might save 15-20 texts back and forth, so to save you time…” (Customers love to believe they’re saving time.)
In the end, when the relationship is between Dealer and Prospect, “thinking about them” is not weird. It’s mostly weird when it is said by a janitor you never speak to, or a middle school ex that tracked you down on Facebook out of the blue. When someone is thinking about how to serve you, they are trying to ensure your needs are met. They are investing their time in earning your business. “Thinking about you” shows they care. And that is a great place to start a relationship.
Anyway, I was thinking about you so really hope you read this to the end. Most of all, I hope you have an amazing Valentine’s Day. It’s important to me. Until then, you’ll be on my mind.