Sometimes there isn’t enough time in the day. Too much work. Tasks pile up. Another set of eyes are needed. Another pair of hands. When things need fixed inside a CRM, some dealers have personnel up to the challenge, and some need CRM Support. When an obstacle in the CRM faces you, does your CRM… Read more »
“Is that vendor fine or what? Maybe I’ll bring it back to my place.” “I’d like to get my hands on that software and take it for a ride.” “I think what I have works, but it seems like experimenting with a new partner may be fun.” Many dealers are returning from NADA (or Digital… Read more »
“Have you heard of this company?” “Barely. Why?” “They called me up and scheduled a demo with me.” “Why did you agree to a demo if you know nothing about them and haven’t heard of them before?” “I don’t know.” I have conversations with dealer clients every week similar to that above. This needs to… Read more »
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Dealership owners are becoming more and more progressive and data-driven. Like leadership at Fortune 500 companies, they make executive decisions based upon internal results and exterior data to improve their stores’ fortunes. However, I’m issuing a stern warning when making changes to your policies, processes, and personnel: Beware of Companies that Massage the Data Unlike… Read more »
A few weeks ago, we posted our Vendor Visit Protocol, which is a guide to scheduling time to review both new solutions and evaluate existing solutions alike. I’d like to add a corollary to those rules. As we’ve stated many times before, we are exposed to tons of solutions for dealers. The other day I… Read more »
This will not win me many friends on the vendor side, but what I am going to suggest will better help dealers structure their month. I understand “sales” is often linked to persistence and determination, but there needs to be limits. I’m recommending that dealers create a Vendor Visit Protocol, so they can win back… Read more »
There are craptastic newsletters, then there is DealerKnews. Get all of our posts without having to set up a RSS feed. Start getting a monthly megadose of geniusness. It’s like steroids for your brain.