When I was at the pinnacle of my retail career, business development centers, or BDCs as they are colloquially known, were becoming all the rage. As a proud A-Z Internet salesperson, I was completely put off by the BDC concept. I had no clue how things would evolve next. Given the circumstances of a sales… Read more »
When I was a child, like his father before him, my father was a volunteer firefighter. He was part of a humble group that was in charge of protecting the surrounding communities that were not part of the city. With a couple of firetrucks and a few support vehicles, they had a lot of ground… Read more »
Does Your BDC Have a Safe Word? For those of you who have had little to no fun in their lives, a “safe word” is a predetermined word that can be said to signal your desire to end an activity. It is to be spoken if any situation gets out of hand. You consent to… Read more »
There are craptastic newsletters, then there is DealerKnews. Get all of our posts without having to set up a RSS feed. Start getting a monthly megadose of geniusness. Its like steroids for your brain.
(Realizing I never actually posted this article I had published in Digital Dealer Magazine several years ago – circa 2008, I felt it still relevant based on recent conversations I’ve had about the importance of sitting in and amongst your BDC team as a manager/Director. Read on…) I’m sitting on the plane on my way… Read more »
Coincidentally, I’ve had several conversations this past month about people being satisfied with the amount of money that they were making. (That loud thump you heard was a baby boomer passing-out from the very idea.) To these individuals, the amount of free time they had to spend to travel, visit friends, be active in their… Read more »
I was called out by a reader of my blog, and rightfully so. All of my writings are always born from a conversation had with another in our industry. I get to chatting, get to thinking, and then get to typing. After a conversation/question posed to me by a dealer owner, I wrote the blog… Read more »
There are craptastic newsletters, then there is DealerKnews. Get all of our posts without having to set up a RSS feed. Start getting a monthly megadose of geniusness. It’s like steroids for your brain.