This isn’t going to be a long blog. I just wanted to point out the idiocy of today’s spammers. Anyone who runs a website has likely received some of these ridiculous emails from BS companies claiming that you need help with your Search Engine Optimization. They submit these poor excuses for advertising through your site’s Contact Us page. They aren’t real. They’re just evil companies trying to pray on those who don’t understand search. I think it’s time to call out a couple.
Here are two incidents that just popped up in my email inbox, as well as a friend’s:
Hey Idiot,
Do your homework before you go guessing. If you were any good, you’d simply Google the domain in question (or at least the first group of SEO title tags they’re using) before sending out this malarkey unwarranted, but no. You don’t care if someone is ranked or not. You just want to pilfer money. You’re just a deadbeat spammer.
On this next piece of lead-submitting spam, you’d think that anyone selling search engine optimization would be able to have their own website ranked near the top on Google for their own domain name…. or, at the very least, HAVE their own website. Alas, no. They don’t because they are low-life spammers.
Dear Toolbox,
If you’re going to attempt to fool someone into responding, you could at least use the same name in the username AND email address. Even if this was an automated bot sending in the inquiry on my website, it’s a stupid bot because it uses sequential numbers and has a different name than that in the email address. Build better automation.
A message to all unworthy advertisers: Stop trying to trick people that know less than you out of their money by using buzzwords such as Search Engine Optimization or Social Media. It won’t work, and if it does, shame on you. I can only pray that no human being ever falls for this BS.
If you’re a dealer questioning the validity of a company attempting to sell you their goods or services around a buzzword, please don’t hesitate to give DealerKnows a call. We evaluate vendors (and consult for a few) on a daily basis, and can certainly steer you in the right direction.