While we spend a good majority of our time training Internet and BDC teams on how best to improve the online operations of dealerships, occasionally we make appearances at industry conferences, non-automotive tech conferences, and NADA and NCM 20 groups. We want to make sure you are aware of our presence at popular digital events that your own employees should be attending.
The DrivingSales Executive Summit in Las Vegas October 19th – 22nd
At this premiere automotive event, DealerKnows will be participating in two capacities:
The DealerKnows Digital Media Battle (Tuesday, Oct. 23rd at 9am). Joe Webb and Bill Playford will once again be hosting their action-packed “battle” where top industry experts will debate the hottest topics facing our dealerships.
“Webb and Flow” – (Tuesday, Oct. 23rd at 4pm). Our very own Joe Webb teams up with another industry consultant, Gary May, to discuss how attending dealers can create action plans to implement strategies from the conference. They will also be on-hand to answer any and all questions that attending dealers did not have answers from while in Las Vegas.
The 13th Digital Dealer Conference in Las Vegas October 23rd – 25th
DealerKnows will be participating in two capacities:
What to Inspect When You’re Expecting – (Thursday, Oct. 25th at 10am). Our very own Bill Playford is teaming up with Kate Donovan of Visible Customer to give an Advanced Level session about deep-diving into the data available to you in your tools and creating actionable strategies around the data you garner.
The Digital Learning Labs – (5 different small-group strategy sessions). Joe Webb will be leading multiple coaching sessions on improving BDC Processes. This are 1st come/1st serve sign-up sessions for hands-on consultation.
If you or someone from your dealership is interested in attending DSES, feel free to use our Discount Code DK12 to save yourself money on the entrance fee. This is easily one of the most engaging, dynamic, and pre-eminent events available to dealer owners, operators, and top-tier Internet marketing masters in our field.
If you or someone from your dealership is interested in attending the Digital Dealer Conference, one of the most consistent and reliable resources to educate multiple positions on a myriad of topics with over 80 tracks of speakers and a great vendor showcase, make sure to sign up for the early-bird discount quickly.
If you will be attending either event, let DealerKnows know and we’ll make sure you are invited to the 6th Annual Joe and Shaun Karaokethon sponsored by DealerPeak and Visible Customer on Tuesday, October 23rd.
See you there.