Harking all the way back to early November 2009, the late Ralph Paglia (considered the godfather of automotive Internet) and I were in the upstairs bar of Tootsie’s in Nashville Tennessee, deep in conversation as to where the industry (and its technology) needed to go. In town for the fall Digital Dealer Conference, we were… Read more »
Automotive artificial intelligence There is peace of mind that employing an automotive A.I. at your dealership provides. You know that it won’t get tired, call in sick, or skirt its duties, rain or shine. Yet, when dealers bite the bullet and partner with artificial intelligence to converse with their customers, it brings with it a… Read more »
Where the rubber meets the road isn’t on the information highway. In Terminator II, a prophecy is relayed to Sarah Connors. Skynet goes online on August 4th, 1997 and human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Thankfully, we are not yet at the point in our technological evolution where the vehicle we drive is chosen… Read more »
There are craptastic newsletters, then there is DealerKnews. Get all of our posts without having to set up a RSS feed. Start getting a monthly megadose of geniusness. Its like steroids for your brain.
Just over 6 years ago, I wrote a blog about how a great CRM is like my wife. (In many ways, it was an ode to her.) Well start-wipe to today, and I still believe I hit the nail on the head with my analogy, but there is one new way this works. For a… Read more »
“He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.”— Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), Statesman, Inventor, and Monetary Star When Joe and I did our Creation vs. Evolution presentation (and this epic car sales training video promo our session) at the 13th Digital Dealer Conference, all the way back in 2010, I drove… Read more »
“I want it all and I want it now.”–Farrokh “Freddie Mercury” Bulsara; (1946-1991), Singer and Bohemian Rhapsodizer In Part III we discussed looking at your potential in terms of market share, as opposed to a fluctuating amount of units sold. The tricky part is understanding where or WHO your market is. For many, they are… Read more »
There are craptastic newsletters, then there is DealerKnews. Get all of our posts without having to set up a RSS feed. Start getting a monthly megadose of geniusness. It’s like steroids for your brain.