Have you ever pulled up a website on your mobile device only to find that there are so many buttons and conversion widgets on a site that it begins to actually cover up the content of the webpage? Have you had a pop-up that’s so aggressively big that you could not click out of it?… Read more »
When one goes to the grocery store, it is common knowledge that milk is generally placed as far away from the entrance as possible. This was designed to require customers to see other options along their walk back to the milk section, a commonly purchased staple, and select other items to buy as well. However,… Read more »
As shoppers seek more and more information before transacting on a vehicle, it is no wonder that they are inquisitive, not just about the price, but about the deal. Dealers have long displayed a price, but rarely do they justify it with data. Edmunds has been offering their assessment of “True Market Value” for more… Read more »
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The Undervalued FAQ page and How to Build It – as seen in Dealer Magazine, October 2016 Your customers have questions. You can only hope that your people have the answers. Not all of your prospective clients (or loyal customers) want to speak to a live agent, though, so they visit your website in search… Read more »
Let ME Show YOU What I Can Put On YOUR Website!” – the DD21 Exhibit Hall Request Perusing the latest and greatest offerings that exhibiting vendors have to show is one of the many highlights of Digital Dealer conferences. After each conference, though, I tend to be amazed at the similarities between the tools and… Read more »
You are who the customer believes you are. That may not always be your preferred image of you, but it is what you’re stuck with. Online search has changed and the content you create is a digital version of website nutrition. Google has updated the way they evaluate your site’s value. Based on their quality… Read more »
There are craptastic newsletters, then there is DealerKnews. Get all of our posts without having to set up a RSS feed. Start getting a monthly megadose of geniusness. It’s like steroids for your brain.