We call it ‘Lead Roulette’. With the dealership’s Internet team on a video call, we share screens, crack open the CRM, and choose an internet lead recently received by an Internet Manager at random. Then, we analyze their ongoing follow-up and efforts live, sharing both positive reinforcement and constructive criticism. No one likes getting called… Read more »
Going to a mall used to be so much fun in my youth. Dare I say, it was the place to be. One of your parents would drop you off and tell you they’ll pick you up “right back here” in 4 hours, and you and a friend or two were off. Strutting through the… Read more »
Text is king because the recipient typically sees it right away, but they must opt-in. Calls are invaluable to connecting with a customer, but they have to pick up the phone. Videos are wildly beneficial to being memorable, but they need to click play and watch it. Emails have become second-class citizens in the sales… Read more »
There are craptastic newsletters, then there is DealerKnews. Get all of our posts without having to set up a RSS feed. Start getting a monthly megadose of geniusness. Its like steroids for your brain.
In the ever-evolving world of customer relationship management (CRM), businesses are constantly seeking ways to improve customer interactions and foster lasting relationships. For automotive dealerships, the technology isn’t evolving as quickly as other verticles, but that’s not necessary to do a good job. One of the simplest features, an often-overlooked yet invaluable feature of CRM… Read more »
If there were an industry award for making rules around the exception, it would have to go to car dealerships. After training dealerships for over 11 years and consulting for over 14 years, I still continue to get questions about situations that arise once every 100,000 interactions (rough estimation), yet the stuff that happens every… Read more »
If you ever trained how to handle an Internet lead, you’ve heard this phrase a thousand times. “Read the Lead!” Do you know all of the steps to actually read the lead effectively? I frequently ask what it means to read the lead when training dealers. Typically, they say all it entails is checking the… Read more »
There are craptastic newsletters, then there is DealerKnews. Get all of our posts without having to set up a RSS feed. Start getting a monthly megadose of geniusness. It’s like steroids for your brain.