eCommerce Director of Southtowne VW, Bryan Armstrong, shares his success with his factory lead closing ratios after just one month utilizing the DealerKnows Consulting follow-up process method and automotive email templates. His store experienced over a 12% closing rate increase on those pesky leads. Listen to Bryan’s endorsement.
Tim Hommer, NADA 20 group moderator (formerly General Manager of Granger Motors), tells why he recommends DealerKnows Consulting for their Internet sales and digital marketing training.
Paul Wilkerson of Landers Dodge Chrysler Jeep in Bossier City, LA tells how attending just the one-day Chrysler Internet Manager Workshops with Joe Webb and Shaun Raines has his dealership selling more cars online than ever before.
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Let it be known, I did not write this. One Chrysler dealer in the audience I was speaking to, however, did… and I appreciate it greatly. I have about 50 others that I’d love to share, but then it’d just be bragging :^) Chrysler Southwest Digital Summit Testimonial
Lisa Jo Swain, BDC Director for the outsource BDC SunStar Network, recommends Joe Webb of DealerKnows Consulting. The SunStar Network and the many dealer clients they assist around the nation have been working with Joe Webb for several months to consistently improve their online sales processes. From phone scripts to email templates, DealerKnows Consulting has… Read more »
NY Times Best-selling author and sales training expert Grant Cardone of Cardone Technologies endorses Joe Webb of DealerKnows Consulting for Internet sales training and digital marketing consulting. Grant Cardone attended Joe Webb’s session at the Innovative Dealer Summit to the Colorado Automobile Dealers Association in Denver and reccomends auto dealers to get involved with Joe… Read more »
There are craptastic newsletters, then there is DealerKnews. Get all of our posts without having to set up a RSS feed. Start getting a monthly megadose of geniusness. It’s like steroids for your brain.