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A class-leading car sales training process is nothing without accountability. We monitor and grade your internet agents through technology and our experienced automotive consulting team, so you don’t have to. We mystery shop your competition and can perform an unfiltered historical CRM deep-dive to discover what is costing you sales opportunities. In a nutshell, we create a forcefield to save you time, profit, and deals.
"It is not the wand that makes the magic happen, but the magician who wields it. The people you employ make you profitable, not just the technology."
- Joe
Founder. Trainer. Speaker. Blogger. Father. Husband. Comedian. Car guy. And Lover... of all things Internet Sales and Digital Marketing.
"Even the best technology in the world is useless unless you have people who can use it."
- Bill
Bill got his start in venture capital right before the dot com bubble burst. Since then, Bill has made it his mission to turn the retail car world on its ear.